Composing A Dissertation Research Methodology

A dissertation paper comprises of various chapters. All chapters are aimed at giving evidence in support of your topic. One of the major chapters is the dissertation research methodologies section. This explains in details, the process of your study so that readers can understand how you achieved the stated results. This section should provide an in-depth analysis of your chosen research methods and their relevance in your study.

Due to the detailed nature of the research methodologies chapter, writing it can prove painstaking to many students. Here are tips to guide you when composing a dissertation research methodology section.

Start by Creating a Structure

Before you start writing this chapter, come up with a plan that shows how your ideas will be presented in it. Remember that at the time of submitting dissertation research proposals, the committee can ask you to describe the research methodology. It’s therefore important to organize your ideas beforehand. The structure should outline how you intend to introduce the ideas and tackle them in a way that readers will understand.

State the Dissertation Research Methods Used

The methodologies chapter should clearly indicate the particular research approach or methods that you pursued or plan to undertake in the study. The three main research approaches for dissertations include:

  • Qualitative research
  • Quantitative research
  • Combination of both quantitative and qualitative research

Dissertation qualitative research emphasizes on subjective meaning and in-depth analysis while quantitative research focuses on statistics and numerical data. When stating the research approach, dare to give more detail so that readers can easily follow through to the results of the study.

Provide Justification for Your Chosen Research Approaches

For clarity, it is important that you justify to the readers why you chose to use the stated research techniques and how they help you answer your dissertation research questions. If your research methods were influenced by past studies, it is important that you indicate this when justifying your choice.

Highlight Methodological Limitations and Ethical Considerations

Choosing the best research approaches for your study requires clear understanding of the benefits and demerits of different methods. It is vital that you tell readers why you chose a particular research technique over another. However, the arguments should be linked back to the dissertation research question examples stated earlier on in the paper.

In the methodology chapter, discuss ethical issues related to the design of the study. This could include considerations like data protection and seeking consent of participants in the study. Besides, you should also remember to include the appendices or links to where they can be accessed if necessary.

If after putting all the above tips into practice you still have difficulties writing the research methodologies chapter for your dissertation, consider obtaining professional dissertation writing help. This will enable you to complete this section with ease and even get assistance with other parts if necessary. You can get this help from senior students or friends and relatives that have handled this task in the past.
